To help you find the perfect size, each product on our website contains information on its general fit and its specific measurements. Details on the general fit can be found in the "size & fit" section of the product page. The specific measurements, which we take individually for each piece, can be viewed in the size guide tab within the "size & fit" section of the product page. This tab also features a conversion chart for all sizes.
Sizing can vary from designer to designer, so we measure each piece individually. We also check the fit on our models and give recommendations on whether it fits true to size, or if taking a size up or down is advised. The measurement chart in the size guide tab contains specific measurements of the piece in each size. The tab also includes an illustration showing how we measure, as well as a conversion chart. A note on the size our model is wearing can be found in the "size & fit" section itself.
Would you like to find out more about our general size charts?
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