Our selection of Adidas shoes has a little something for everyone. Whether you veer towards sandals or loafers, our curated edit of the label's designer shoes has everything you need. With 600+ arrivals every week, our selection of footwear is always new and exciting. While some designs are more timeless, others are made for turning heads. Browse through all the stylish, retro and sporty Adidas shoe styles. A pair of sneakers in beige would work well for a run. Combine it with breathable shorts, a running shirt and a jacket made from lightweight material.
Since its inception, activewear label Adidas has been mesmerizing audiences with its timeless and trendy looks.
A wide range of versatile Adidas sneakers and running shoes await you at Mytheresa Men. The brands' high-quality sneakers made from suede are the ultimate accessory to own. Adidas strap sandals are a favorite amongst fashion connoisseurs. Expert craftsmanship and the use of premium materials makes the shoes for men extremely robust.
Discover more from Adidas for men, including their revered , and browse a selection of men's designer shoes from more than 120 international luxury brands at Mytheresa. If you have any questions or need assistance with your order, our excellent Customer Service team will be happy to help.
Discover more at Mytheresa: More designer sneakers for men